Support the
Alberni Pacific Railway
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There are multiple ways you can show your support for the Alberni Pacific Railway!
Number One:
Contacting the Port Alberni City Council is the best way to support us, showing council there is a want and a need for the Alberni Pacific Railway to return to operation as one of the leading tourist attractions in the area
Council Contacts:
Email all the City Councillors to show your support!
Sharie Minions, Dustin Dame, John Douglas, Debbie Haggard, Charles Mealey, Todd Patola, Cindy Solda
Number Three:
Find us on social media and share our posts with your friends and community groups! This helps our organization get the word out about our plans and gather support.
Letter of Support Template:
You can use this template to show your support for the Alberni Pacific Railway. Simply just sign it and send it to City Council. You can also modify it to your own words, thoughts and ideas, or write your own!
Number Two:
Contacting the Alberni Pacific Railway is another great way to show your support. We always love to hear your support and ideas for our operation to succeed. Write to us at info@albernipacificrailway.ca