De retour sur la bonne voie
Cette page présente les plans pour l'avenir du chemin de fer Alberni Pacific établis en quatrième position par la Western Vancouver Island Industrial Heritage Society. Les pièces jointes et les photos ci-dessous fourniront des informations sur le budget, le plan d'affaires et les documents associés. Toute autre question peut être envoyée via notreformulaire de message, ou envoyé par email àinfo@albernipacificrailway.ca.
* All fares subject to GST (5%), a processing fee and a 24-hour cancellation policy.
* Email us regarding cancellation inquiries at info@albernipacificrailway.ca.
As with any railway - motive power, schedules and fares are subject to change without notice.
Adverse weather conditions or technical/safety problems may prevent operations.
Trains depart the Port Alberni Train Station (3100 Kingsway Ave, Port Alberni).
Please arrive 15 minutes prior to departure and check in with the ticket agent.
Accessible friendly!!
Wheelchair lift available, just let one of the ticket agents know
Dog Friendly!!
Bring along your furry friend for a ride on the train!

Photo by Curvy Roads Photography
The Route
The train starts at the Port Alberni Train Station (3100 Kingsway Ave) and runs South towards the Port Alberni Port Authority Office and then heads North towards Port Alberni Papermill along the Port Alberni Waterfront. The train ride lasts around 25 minutes.

Thank You for
an incredible season